5 Elements Power Pack (Discounted)
5 Elements Power Pack (Discounted)
We, women, are made up of the same 5 elements that exist on our planet:
Earth, Fire, Sky, Water & Air.
When these elements are OUT OF BALANCE we experience symptoms in our body, heart, mind & spirit.
When they are IN BALANCE, we can step into the fullness of our power with a body, heart, mind & spirit that are healthy, focused, clear, open & connected.
Product Details:
EARTH: Mini vial of Sacred Ash
FIRE: Mini Beeswax Candle with Cotton Wick
SKY: Handful of dried Sacred Lotus Petals
WATER: Mini vial of Sacred Rose Water
AIR: Stress Straw Necklace made of Sustainable Bamboo
With this purchase, you will also receive access to a Powerful Mantra & Meditation Process that connects you to each of these elements, helping you balance them.
Working with ALL of the elements is best but if you prefer to take our
FREE quiz to assess with element in your POWER ELEMENT at this moment,
follow this link: https://form.typeform.com/to/niQPblG0